Monday 6 February 2012

I like how this image turned out on camera, I like the roughness and worn down texture of the wood and think it represents typography in a creative, interesting way.

Sunday 5 February 2012

The next project was Typography. For this I went around the college grounds looking for objects that resembled a letter of the alphabet. It was my aim to photograph the most interesting image possible. This image is one of the more obvious shots but I feel it works well.
This image was taken of one of the stone walls of the Church. I chosen this wall because of the structure. Unlike the rest of the images which portray old, gritty textures, this image shows something much more smooth and sturdy looking. I think the angle in which I taken the photo from successfully creates a more interesting image.
This image is again of a stone pillar. I especially like how the pattern turned out on camera.
I believe this image is a strong portrayal of shape and form due to the lines running horizontally across the wood as well as the rigid looking texture.
This image was taken of a stone pillar. I decided to take the photo at this particular angle to emphasise the pattern on the stone running right the way around both edges.
This is one of my favourite images from the project as I like the repetition of the links in the chains. I feels it is one of my strongest images for representing shape and form.
This image was taken of the side of a building also around the Church. I like the gritty and worn down texture of the stone.
The next project was Shape and Form. I have imported a selection of my favourite images from the project. This first image of the church steps was taken outside, I think the repetitive pattern, decreasing to increasing in size, worked especially well when photographed. 

Lion/ Rat/ Bird

This creation is a combination of a Lions head, rats body and birds wings. This image taken me longer to achieve as I had difficulty finding parts that worked well and fitted together, however I am pleased with the overall result.