Tuesday 18 October 2011

Lobster/ Squid/ Frog

This guard animal is a combination of a lobsters head, squids body and a frogs hind legs. When creating this I used the eraser tool and brought the opacity down to 30% to blend the body and the head together a little better, rather then having a sharp edge.

Kangaroo/ Cow/ Tiger

The next guard animal I produced was a mixture between a kangaroos body, cows head and a tigers tail. I used the lasso tool to combine each of the body parts together and also to create a jagged edge around the kangaroos body in order to make it look more realistic.

Meetkat/ Elephant/ Insect

My next design was a combination of a meerkat's body, elephants head and an insects wings. Again the main tool which was used was the lasso tool.

Poodle/ Crab/ Deer

My second creation was made up of a crabs body, combined with a poodles head and a deer's antlers. I created this on photoshop using mainly the lasso tool to select the perticular parts of an animal which i wished to use. I also used the eraser tool and reduced the opacity to blend in the body parts a little better.

Monday 17 October 2011

Rooster/ Elephant

Created from the body of a rooster with the head of an elephant, this creation needs one more element until it is completley finished.